Age: 52
occupation: Education and Workforce Advisor
Education: University of Texas, BA Political Science
Neighborhood: The Presidio
Why are you running for School Board? Over the last couple of years, I have seen our seven-year-old daughter fall in love with her teachers and educators at our nearby public elementary school in San Francisco. Last year I struggled with my response when, without warning, my daughter expressed sadness that her garden science teacher was leaving and she didn’t know why ... After almost ten years of draconian state budget cuts to public education we are now facing unprecedented times. How do we stop the ‘crisis’ and change the conversation away from a ‘cuts mentality’ to a ‘we must invest strategy’? In my race to be a member of the San Francisco School Board, I am committed to pursue bold and innovative ways to stabilize the workforce and find pragmatic solutions to stop the lay-offs.
Why should Mission residents vote for you? I support the following strategies ... Wrap-around services to help kids and their families to be ready to learn from Pre-K – 4th grade; Special Education services focused on reading from K – 3rd grade; Integrate science literacy with the basic curriculum from K – 3rd grade; Integrate parents as primary partners from Pre-K through High School and incorporate parent engagement and education strategies ... I grew up as a client of the Head Start program in the inner-city and have always recognized the value and importance of early childhood education starting at pre-school ... As a child of immigrant parents from Puerto Rico I am also very aware of the struggles English Learners face on a daily basis ... I am committed to jump in with both feet when I see challenges and problems that need to be addressed, and find solutions through collaboration and perseverance.