Age: 38
Occupation: Educator, Civil Servant, Parent
Education: Graduate of SF Public Schools, Master of Arts in Anthropology, Bachelor of Arts in both Anthropology and Political Science
Neighborhood: Ingleside
Why are you running for School Board? I’m running for school board because board members with children in our public schools have the minority voice. Active public school parents live and breathe public schools from bake sales, homework, to daily face-to-face interaction of public school families, teachers and administrators. The Board of Education makes decisions without an understanding and engagement with our greatest stakeholders, public school families. In addition, the Board of Education and SFUSD needs partnership and collaboration from our teachers. As a teacher myself, I appreciate and understand some of the challenges and teachers. I, as an active public school parent and teacher have a unique perspective to ensure that the SFUSD talks about priorities that matters to families.
Why should Mission residents vote for you? As a first generation Chinese American, my parents were immigrants to this great country. I know of hardship and the importance of social services that immigrants and other disadvantaged people need. I am grateful for everything that my family received and an excellent public education. Mission residents should consider voting for me because I would bring to the school board my perspective of my immigrant past and my dedication to bring a voice to the board for public school parents and teachers like myself.